Discover WorkZone: Where History and Innovation Converge

The rise of technology and innovation hubs in South Africa drives the demand for coworking spaces, particularly in areas with a concentration of startups and tech companies. Located on the historic grounds of The Synthetic Latex Company, our coworking space boasts...

Gemeenskapskrag vul slaggate voor jeugsentrum

Op Dinsdag 11 Julie het Solidariteit en die SLC Group (The Synthetic Latex Company) gesamentlik opgetree om die gemeenskap te versterk. Hulle het spesifiek aandag gegee aan Jeugsorg Sasolburg, deur paaie in die omgewing te herstel met behulp van die SLC Group se...
Episode 8: Yaron Assabi

Episode 8: Yaron Assabi

In Partnership with the SLC Group: #DoingSomethingGreat. This is Yaron Assabi’s mission in life. As a proud cancer survivor, Assabi is an entrepreneur who is passionate about ICT. The Digital Solutions Group, established in 1998, was his...
Episode 7: Mike Stekhoven

Episode 7: Mike Stekhoven

In Partnership with the SLC Group: Although not as hands-on as he used to be 20 years ago, Duram MD Mike Stekhoven still has his finger firmly on the pulse of the paint industry. The Duram family business originated in 1981, when Stekhoven...
Episode 6: Alex MacPhail

Episode 6: Alex MacPhail

In Partnership with the SLC Group: Alex MacPhail had a fascination with flying from a young age and has been a professional pilot for 21 years. Trained as an Air Force pilot, MacPhail spent three years flying formation aerobatic displays with...